fortran - 悲催的科学匠人 - 冷水's blog

fortran 2003 析构函数调用条件


function getptr(...)
  type(XXX),pointer,dimension(:) :: getptr

  call fetchptr(... getptr)
end function


mydata => getptr(..)




When finalization occurs

1 Finalization occurs for the target of a pointer when the pointer is deallocated. If an object is allocated through pointer allocation and later becomes unreachable because all pointers to that object have had their pointer association status changed, finalization on the object does not occur.



2 Finalization of an allocatable entity occurs with the entity is deallocated.


3 Finalization for a nonpointer, nonallocatable object that is not a dummy argument or function result occurs immediately, before the object is undefined by the execution of a RETURN or END statement. If the object is defined in a module and no active procedures are still referencing the module, finalization does not take place.

非指针,非allocatable,不是哑元,不是返回值,这样的对象在所在域的RETURN or END时会被自动fanalize。module中的鼓励对象,无法finalize。

4 Finalization of a structure constructor referenced by an executable construct occurs after execution of the innermost executable construct containing the reference.


5 Finalization for a function referenced by an executable construct takes place after execution of the innermost executable construct containing the reference.


6 Finalization for the result of a function referenced by a specification expression in a scoping unit takes place before the first statement in the scoping unit executes.


7 Finalization of a nonpointer, nonallocatable object that is an actual argument associated with an INTENT(OUT) dummy argument occurs when a procedure using the argument is invoked.


8 Finalization of a variable in an intrinsic assignment statement takes place after evaluation of the expression and before the definition of the variable.


Non-finalized entities

If program execution is terminated, either by an error, such as an allocation failure, or by the execution of a STOP or END PROGRAM statement, entities existing immediately prior to termination are not finalized.



A nonpointer, nonallocatable object that has the SAVE attribute or that you specify in the main program is never finalized as a direct consequence of the execution of a RETURN or END statement




gfortran 4.5不行, ifort 12可以

program tt
  use iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  integer,target :: a(100),n,i,j
  integer,pointer,dimension(:) :: ptr
  integer,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: p2d,p2d2
  type(c_ptr) :: cptr

  do n=1,100; a(n)=n;enddo
  ptr(0:29) => a(71:100)
  write(*,*) ptr

  p2d2(0:9,0:9) => a
  do j=0,9;do i=0,9
  write(*,*) i,j,p2d2(i,j)


采用fortran 2003标准iso_c_binding模块完成

program test
  use iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  interface getptr
  function fgetptr(string,ilen,ni,nj)
  use iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  real,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: fgetptr
  integer :: ilen,ni,nj
  character ::string(ilen)
  end function
  function ggetptr(string,ilen,irank,ishape)
  use iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  real,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: ggetptr
  integer :: ilen,irank
  integer :: ishape(irank)
  character ::string(ilen)
  end function

  function hgetptr(string,ilen,ishape)
  use iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  real,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: hgetptr
  integer :: ilen
  integer,dimension(:) :: ishape
  character ::string(ilen)
  end function    
  end interface   
    function getchar(string)
    character,pointer,dimension(:) :: getchar,string
    end function
  end interface
  type(c_ptr) :: p
  !character,target :: string(400)
  character,pointer,dimension(:) :: string,pp
  real,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: idata
  integer :: ishape(2)
  ishape(1) = 25
  ishape(2) = 4

  call convt1(string, 25,4,idata)
  write(*,*) '============================='
  idata => fgetptr(string,400,25,4)
  write(*,*) idata
  write(*,*) '============================='
  idata => ggetptr(string,400,2,ishape)
  write(*,*) idata
  write(*,*) '============================='
  idata => getptr(getchar(string),400,ishape)
  write(*,*) idata

function getchar(string)
   character,pointer,dimension(:) :: getchar,string
   getchar => string
end function

function fgetptr(string,ilen,ni,nj)
  use iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  real,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: fgetptr
  integer :: ilen,ni,nj
  character ::string(ilen)
  type(c_ptr) :: p
  write(*,*) size(string)
  p = c_loc(string)
  CALL c_f_pointer(p,fgetptr,(/ni,nj/))
end function

function ggetptr(string,ilen,irank,ishape)
  use iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  real,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: ggetptr
  integer :: ilen,irank
  integer :: ishape(irank)
  character ::string(ilen)
  type(c_ptr) :: p
  write(*,*) size(string)
  p = c_loc(string)
  CALL c_f_pointer(p,ggetptr,ishape)
end function

function hgetptr(string,ilen,ishape)
  use iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  real,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: hgetptr
  integer :: ilen
  integer,dimension(:) :: ishape
  character ::string(ilen)
  type(c_ptr) :: p
  integer :: irank 
  irank = size(shape(hgetptr)) 
  write(*,*) size(string),irank
  p = c_loc(string)
  CALL c_f_pointer(p,hgetptr,ishape(1:irank))
end function

subroutine convt1(odata, ni,nj,tdata)
  implicit none
  integer :: ni,nj
  real,target :: odata(ni,nj)
  real,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: tdata
  integer :: i,j
  real :: n
  do j=1,nj
  do i=1,ni
    odata(i,j) = n
end subroutine

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