ExStream/ExChimera进展 - 悲催的科学匠人 - 冷水's blog


冷水 posted @ 2015年8月27日 18:37 in ExStream/Exchimera , 7839 阅读



  1. Wang X.同学搞定了Gammar-Reynolds转捩模型,高升力模型的计算结果改进很是明显
  2. 我自己搞定了ILU(0)预处理的GMRES,基于PETSC,效果还行,但是不如传说中的那么NB(除非简单翼型),好歹目前可以比较稳定的运行
  3. IO迁移到CGNS
  4. Shu H.M实现了1-N对接面,初步可run


  1. 终于可以针对壁面距离进行重叠区域最小化了;
  2. 运动物体组装初步可run
  • 无匹配
  • 无匹配
paul 说:
2016年9月01日 02:37




MBOSE Plus One Previ 说:
2022年8月16日 02:48

The Meghalaya Board of School Examinations (MBOSE) was established with the primary goal of advancing education in the state. It administers the H9th and the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (9th) exams. The main headquarters and regional offices of this board are located in Shillong, the state capital. The Meghalaya Board will release the MBOSE Class 11th test Question Paper 2023 in the month of May on the same official web portal site, according to the official announcement. MBOSE Plus One Previous Paper 2023 The students who are seeking for the Meghalaya Board Important Question Paper 2023 of the 11th class may download it from the official web portal site, and we also offer the direct link to check your Meghalaya 11th class

Emma 说:
2023年1月18日 00:10

The ExStream/ExChimera project is a research effort to develop new methods for streamlining the drug discovery process. The project is a collaboration Conviction For Sex Crimes between academia and industry, and is funded by the European Union. The project is making good progress, and has already developed a number of new techniques that are being used by pharmaceutical companies to speed up the drug discovery process.

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