天津超级计算中心天河-1A在linux下登录VPN的方法解释 - 悲催的科学匠人 - 冷水's blog


冷水 posted @ 2012年10月11日 20:30 in 未分类 , 2584 阅读





1 jre6的安装。ubuntu不再首选支持sun java,而推荐使用openjdk,因此软件库中没有sun java。为了保证兼容,还是选sun java吧。安装方法参考 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java 中关于Orancle(Sun) Java 6的部分


2 Firefox中设置JNLP文件打开方式。初始Firefox中没有JNLP文件选项,没法设置。方法是,自己建立一个空文件,后缀名为jnlp。把它拖到firefox中,firefox会提示打开方法,选择javaws。然后到首选项的application中就可以看到JNLP了,把它按照说明设置即可。


3 22端口问题。vpn客户端要占用22端口,只好把本机的ssh服务停了 

4 root身份的问题。vpn客户端必须用root身份,但是在root环境下工作有风险。解决方法是,登录一个root桌面,登录好vpn之后,再切换登录一个普通用户桌面,就可以ssh到th-1a的三个登录节点了。




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lainme 说:
2013年3月18日 03:16

ubuntu源里没有oracle java是因为oracle改了分发协议,不允许发行版自己分发了……

boardmodelpaper.com 说:
2024年1月17日 20:32

The Board model paper" typically refers to a sample or model question paper that is designed by educational boards or institutions for various exams. These papers serve as practice material for students preparing for exams, providing them with an idea of the question format, difficulty level, and the type of content that may be covered in the actual examination. boardmodelpaper.com Model papers are usually created for specific subjects or courses. They cover a range of topics and chapters that students are expected to have studied during the academic term. Students often use these educational board model papers as an integral part of their exam preparation strategy, helping them familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and refine their understanding of the subject matter.

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