采用Python编写Tecplot ADDON [01] GUI的问题 - 悲催的科学匠人 - 冷水's blog

采用Python编写Tecplot ADDON [01] GUI的问题

冷水 posted @ 2013年10月09日 19:06 in python with tags python tecplot , 2267 阅读

采用python写teccplot addon时,GUI是一个问题。tecplot自己带的python是2.5版(据说最新的tec360 13已经是基于python 2.7了),因此内含的GUI库只有Tkinter。Tkinter控件太少了,连下拉式选单都没有。Pmw实现了更多控件,于是打算手动安装Pmw到tecplot的python中。



sudo cp -r /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Pmw/ /opt/tec360/lib/python2.5.1/lib/python2.5




from Tkinter import *
import Pmw
root = Tk()
root.title('ComboBox 2')

choice = None

def choseEntry(entry):
    print 'You chose "%s"' % entry

asply = ("The Mating of the Wersh", "Two Netlemeng of Verona", "Twelfth Thing", "The Chamrent of Venice", "Thamle", "Ring Kichard the Thrid")

choice = Label(root, text='Choose play', relief=SUNKEN, padx=20, pady=20)
choice.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH, padx=8, pady=8)

combobox = Pmw.ComboBox(root, label_text='Play:', labelpos='wn',
                        listbox_width=24, dropdown=1,
combobox.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1, padx=8, pady=8)





经过初步测试,Python and Tkinter Programming 上第四章的Pmw测试代码大都可以直接在tec360中运行,只有notebooks和notebookr因为是过时的控件已经在目前的Pmw库中删除。此外, notebook的setnaturalpagesize函数变更为setnaturalsize。



这样,我们就可以直接采用更炫的Pmw控件库和Tkinter一起编写tecplot python addon的界面了。

但是还有一个问题,目前看来没有合适的基于Tkinter/Pmw的可视化GUI设计工具。网上找了几个,ptkbg、visual python tkinter IDE之类,似乎都很烂。
总之,这个阉割版的python 2.5写GUI还是有些费劲。
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Emma 说:
2023年1月22日 03:02

It can be difficult to write a Tecplot ADDON GUI using Python. The version of Python that comes with Tecplot is 2.5, meaning the only CBD Hemp Oil GUI library included is Tkinter. Unfortunately, Tkinter controls are quite limited and do not include a drop-down menu. To access more complex controls, it is necessary to manually install the Pmw library into Tecplot's Python.

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